Since its inception, Windjammers Unlimited has regularly produced its official publication, Circus Fanfare. What began as a simple “newsletter” in 1971, has developed into a full-feature magazine format publication. Currently, Fanfare is published four times per year, quarterly.
Members in good standing have the option to receive a printed copy of the magazine or a full-color PDF version, emailed as soon as available. Depending on the postal service, members usually get printed copies before the first day of the month on the masthead. Those opting to receive their copies as PDFs generally receive them earlier.
Historical copies will be available in the Members Only section of this website. They are currently posted through December 2023.
Certain non-member Subscription levels may provide for online access to the PDF versions here. Optionally, individual PDFs may be available for sale.
Fanfare is an authoritative compendium of Circus Music history, Windjammers’ activities, and an outstanding educational resource.
You do NOT need to be a Member in good standing or hold a current Subscription to view the INDEX. To access the content of each issue a valid Membership or Subscription LOGIN is required. If you do not have one, you may sign-up and pay now, at the prompt. We encourage that you JOIN WJU and get all of the benefits of Membership, including access to “Members Only” content for one full year.