The functions of this “MARM” form can be done online (preferred) but if you are unable to do so or the online system is not available, you may use this fillable PDF FORM to register as a new member, or to renew your current membership for an additional year. The form may also be used to make changes to your information.
How to Use this FILLABLE PDF FORM:
- KEEP THIS BROWSER WINDOW open so that you can follow these instructions.
- This form uses Adobe Reader but if you do not already have it installed on your device, you may DOWNLOAD ADOBE READER for free. After you have installed Adobe Reader, continue with the next steps.
- Click on the image to download and open the MARM. NOTE: The form will open in a separate new browser window. You may need to double click the form in that new window to see it full size.
- Once the form appears on your screen, save it to your device so that you can work with it. Remember where you saved it.
- Close the browser window where you just opened and downloaded the form..
- Open the MARM in Adobe Reader. This is a fillable PDF form which means that you can type all of your information into it. Once the MARM is completed (two pages) save it again.
- You may then email the form to and mail your check separately to the address on the form. Once the payment is received, your application will be processed.
- IF you do not want to fill in the form on your device, you may open the file, and print the empty form on your printer, fill in all of the information legibly, and mail the completed form and your check to the address on the form.
Some tips for filling in the MARM
If you are familiar with fillable PDF forms the process is straight forward. Regardless, there are a few things to keep in mind.
- Be certain to select your membership type by clicking the appropriate button.
- Check the appropriate boxes throughout the form. Are you applying as a prospective new member? Renewing as a current or former Member? Making some updates to your information?
- Enter your membership number if you know it, as it makes processing easier.
- Playing Members may select their instruments from the drop down list provided. Select all that apply to you.
- Both paying and non-playing Members are encouraged to select areas of interest and to volunteer to work with designated support teams. Use the drop down list and select all that apply to you.
- If you are applying for FAMily membership, information for the second Family Member must be entered, including a separate and unique email address from the Primary member. Online Credentials for access to the MEMBERS ONLY features of the website are assigned to each member based on a valid email address. Email addresses cannot be assigned to more than one person.
- Indicate if you wish to make a donation to WJU.
- Indicate the total of your payment; be sure to include your check if mailing the form or send it separately if you submit the form via email.
- Sign and date your form. This may be done electronically as well.
- Save the file, print if necessary.