The circus performance was recorded by Robert P. Hills, Jr. on August 1, 1973 when it performed in Springfield, OH. Charles Schlarbaum (WJU #61) was bandmaster of the 8-piece band and its lead trumpet. Access the JAN-FEB 2021 Circus Fanfare to read the article by Eric Beheim (WJU#66) on this show.
01 Fanfare
02 Overture Trombone King
03 Dave Hoover
04 Dave Hoover
05 Clowns
06 Aerial Acts
07 Acrobats
08 Mixed Animals
09 Mixed Animals – Fire Jump Galop
10 Comedy Knockabout Acts
11 Aerial Ballet
12 Aerial Ballet
13 Aerial Ballet
14 Suarez Riding Troupe
15 Suarez Riding Troupe
16 Suarez Riding Troupe
17 Les Blocks High Wire
18 Les Blocks High Wire
19 Les Blocks High Wire
20 Les Blocks High Wire
21 Perch Acts
22 Perch Acts
23 Perch Acts
24 Clowns – Dog Acts
25 Clowns
26 Elephants
27 Elephants – Aerial Juggling Acts
28 Aerial Juggling Acts
29 Risley Acts
30 Clowns
31 Flying Acts
32 Flying Acts – Prince of Decorah
33 Clowns
34 Fanfare
35 Exit Music – The Billboard